Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Living the Christian Life #1

Prayers about living out there in the world!

"Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,  praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." (Acts 2:46,47 )

This world I live in,
this town I live in,
this street I live in,
this house I live in,
may each be the focus of my prayer.

Those I live with,
those I rub shoulders with,
those I work with,
those I don't get on with,
may each be the focus of my prayer.

Those who laugh,
those who cry,
those who hurt,
those who hide,
may each be the focus of my prayer.

Prayers centred less on self
and more on others,
less on my circumstances,
more on the needs of others.

May my life be likewise centred
less on self and more on You,
and through You to the world
in which I live and move.


It's all in the touch,
the touch of love,
the touch of healing,
the touch of compassion,
the touch of reassurance,
the touch that says,
'You are special, wanted,
held in high regard'.
It's all in that touch,
that very special touch,
the touch you give through us
who reach out to those in need,
to those who need to know.
Help us to be channels of your touch
in this dark world,
to bring your love,
and reassurance,
to a world that knows
none of these


There is comfort
in the warmth of a hug,
in a reassuring hand on shoulder,
in the firm grip of a handshake.
Something passes from giver to receiver
and mysteriously returns with interest.
Yet in a world which worries
about values,
and investment rates,
and the volatility of currencies,
so little attention is shown
to this simple fact.
The things that are rated of value
in this world
are temporary,
fluctuating with the uncertainty
of the Stock Market.
Love meanwhile is constant,
it's value increasing
each time it is given away.
This, Lord is the Investment Trust
of which you are in control.
Thank you that this is one
we can indeed rely upon.


Saints of days long gone,
standing on seashore and mountain top,
considered the might of the elements
that you had created,
the roar of the wind and waves,
the constancy of the tides and seasons.
To them, Lord it was evidence enough
that your creative Spirit was still empowering
this fragile world, encircling their lives,
as the very wind and mist
that swirled around them.
We have so little time
to contemplate this world,
and complain when wind and rain
conspire to spoil our day.
Yet in doing so we often fail
to gain the comfort
and reassurance
that your saints felt in their isolation.
We forget that it was your creative breath
that set this universe in motion
and still moves across the world.
Not always predictably,
but there to be seen and felt,
there to offer the comfort and reassurance
of a God who is constant and eternal.
Thank you, Creator God,
for the constancy and ample evidence
of your love for this world


Lord, bless the noisy people,
The rowdy people,
Intimidating people,
The drunk
And scantily clad people
Making their way home this evening.
Bless the burglar,
The loan shark,
Prostitute and drug dealer,
Low life
And dangerous people,
Hiding in the shadows this evening.
Inhabit their spaces,
Enlighten their darkness,
These prodigals of yours.



For all whose image of your creation
is marred by pain and suffering
A: Your kingdom come
B: Your will be done

For those who wake each morning
to shellfire and destruction
A: Your kingdom come
B: Your will be done

For children dispossessed of childhood
and transformed into soldiers
A: Your kingdom come
B: Your will be done

For orphans wandering lonely roads
to uncertain futures
A: Your kingdom come
B: Your will be done

For each persecuted family
carrying your Cross
A: Your kingdom come
B: Your will be done

Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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