Sunshine & Storm is, at its heart, about engaging with the world in prayer, and is a collection of 200 contemporary prayers written whilst the world was struggling both politically and healthwise with a pandemic.
What seemed to come across was the darkness of a struggle to find truth and justice, and seeing brilliant sparks of light in the lives of those who gave everything, some even their lives, in caring for those who were struggling with life!
So as always there's a mix of prayers, ranging from praying for ourselves, for others (including those in power), those struggling with life, the world and our care of it, and some blessings to share.
Themes covered with these prayers include: |
Another day |
When days are hard |
Words and deeds |
Truth and justice |
This fragile world |
Reflecting on life |
House and home |
Light in the darkness |
Praying through Romans |
Blessings |
The poor and hungry |
Those in captivity |
The persecuted and suffering |
The vast majority of these prayers do not appear elsewhere on the pages of this website.
Breath of life and love,
disturb the dark clouds
of fear and anxiety
that trouble our lives,
and in this gentle breeze,
as clouds disperse,
may we
sense hope
and healing,
as your light
breaks in and,
our hearts and minds,
and shines out in the world.
Help us, as willing workers
to build a better world,
to your design, not ours,
and on firm foundations
that the storms of life
can’t damage or destroy.
Help us, in our labours
to follow your instruction,
listen closely to your word,
that this world we build
might be a beautiful one,
reflecting its designer,
with room enough for all.
Creator God, forgive us
for the spoiling of this,
the garden you created
in love for your children
to tend and look after;
this soil that feeds us,
this air we breathe and
water that sustains us.
Forgive us that so much
lies spoiled and wasted.
Forgive us for our greed,
our reluctance to change.
Speak direct to the hearts
and souls of all in power
that they might be bold
in both word and action
for the sake of our children,
and theirs, we pray
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©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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