Ripples is all about engaging with the world in prayer, and is a collection of 300 contemporary prayers for personal use, or for those who lead worship in church.
Imagine throwing a pebble in a pond, and watching the ripples spread out over the surface of the water. So it can be with our prayers, which start with our own walk with God and spread out to encompass our fellow travellers throughout the world, their joys, concerns, and needs.
Themes covered with these prayers include: |
At the start of the day |
Walking and working in God's world |
Family, friends and neighbours |
Those growing old |
Suffering from Dementia |
The lonely and depressed |
The anxious and stressed |
The sick and those who care |
Those who mourn |
God's extended family |
The poor and hungry |
Those in captivity |
The persecuted and suffering |
Those who hate |
Those seeking justice |
Rays of hope and blessings |
The vast majority of these prayers do not appear elsewhere on the pages of this website.
God of rising sun
be the warmth that I feel.
God of gentle wind
be the air that I breathe.
God of refreshing rain
be the cleansing I need.
God of sacred space
be the peace that I crave.
God of setting sun
be the rest I desire.
We bring to you those
for whom every day
has become a struggle,
another mountain to climb,
and often a little steeper
than one climbed yesterday.
Gracious God, bring relief,
a gentler path to follow,
time for healing, time for rest.
Strengthen body and soul, we ask.
Take that which we are,
the potter’s chosen clay,
and with your hands
create from us
something beautiful today.
For those who walk
more slowly
through this world
than in the days
when they were young,
may each step
be made lighter
and their joy be greater
for seeing beauty
in little things
that the hurrying pass by.
Available in paperback edition from Amazon at £5.99 or $ equivalent and as a pdf version for mobile devices (Kindle format is very difficult to work with for poems/prayers!)
For pdf version go to shop
©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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