Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Our Care for God's World  

Prayers about our care for this planet, global warming and climate change

caring for God's world

Scientists acknowledge that there have been rises and falls of global temperatures over millenia, but say 'The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) to be the result of human activity since the mid-20th century and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia' (

For Christians the story goes back to the beginning of our Bibles: 'The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.' (Genesis 2:15)

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May we, in faith,
see this world
through your eyes,
hear this world
through your ears,
touch this world
through your hands
and bless this world
through your grace.


Creator God, only you see
the big picture, this earth
that, spinning through space
can sustain the life we see
and hear, warmed by sun,
refreshed by rain, fed by
seed sown and harvested,
if we will only play our part.
Forgive our complacency,
our arrogance and greed,
and raise up leaders who,
with wisdom, can work
together for the good of all,
and save this precious gift
for future generations.


Lord God, our desire is that we might
hand over a healthy, productive world
to our children and future generations.
Enable us to play our part in the way
we live our lives and encourage others
to engage in the long-term stewardship
of a world that has been sadly neglected.
For the sake of all creation, we pray.

As we contemplate the damage that we,
over so many years, have inflicted upon
this beautiful garden created for us,
give us the wisdom to know where we,
as individuals, can make a difference,
by the things we do, and by speaking out.
We give thanks for those whose courage
has awoken the world, in part, into action,
and ask that the eyes of all be opened
to the task before us, to make good again
that which has been badly spoiled,
and live as stewards of this fragile world.

Creator God, who placed this planet
and all its resources into our care,
encourage those who now remind us
of our responsibilities, both to you
and future generations, to do all
that is necessary, whatever the cost,
to save this world that we call home,
so our children and theirs might not
look back, both in shame and anger,
at what we, in denial, have failed to do.


Creator God, only you see
the big picture, this earth
that, spinning through space
can sustain the life we see
and hear, warmed by sun,
refreshed by rain, fed by
seed sown and harvested,
if we will only play our part.
Forgive our complacency,
our arrogance and greed,
and raise up leaders who,
with wisdom, can work
together for the good of all,
and save this precious gift
for future generations.

Creator God, forgive us
if we think this world
is simply to be exploited.
Open our eyes to see
the damage that we do.
Open our ears to hear
and not ignore the signs.
Open hearts to change.
Make us the gardeners
and caretakers that you
created us to be,
that this fragile world
might be handed on
with pride, not shame,
to future generations.

Embrace this world,
it is a fragile place
in need of healing,
where arrogance
and self-interest
seek to undermine
your common good,
and those in need
take second place
to those who have.
Embrace this world,
wash it in your tears
of mercy and love,
and bring healing
and restoration
into its brokenness
dear Lord, we pray.

Give us a love for this
your world, dear Lord,
and a yearning to be
its stewards, as you
intended from day
one that we should be.
We have become blind.
Open our eyes to all
that we can do now,
in our own little way
to make a difference,
for the greater good
of all, on this, our home
and your precious garden.


Creator God, we give thanks
that science is continuing
to increase our understanding
of the world we live upon
and the bodies we live within.
We pray that knowledge gained
by research and technology
might not simply be profit-driven,
but kindle a growing desire
for the common good of all,
that rich and poor alike
might see the benefit
and humankind become,
as in the time of Eden,
good stewards of this earth.


Creator God, this gift of earth
upon which I tread, and sow
seed that will later blossom
or provide food for us to eat
is a precious, delicate resource,
so easily damaged or spoiled.
Teach us to walk gently upon,
and work in sympathy with
this garden you have given,
treating it with due respect,
so that through every season
it might bring both life and joy
to those who walk upon it.


In this your beautiful
but fragile world,
bless those
who dedicate their lives
to its care,
who within their hearts
have a passion
to protect its oceans,
forests, plants
and creatures,
who are stewards
of this world
that is our home;
this world,
created by your hand,
given life by your breath,
- a precious place.
This, your gift to us;
its waters refreshing,
its soil providing,
its air sustaining.
In this your beautiful
bless those
who dedicate their lives
to its care.


Creator God, who placed this planet
and all its resources into our care,
encourage those who now remind us
of our responsibilities, both to you
and future generations, to do all
that is necessary, whatever the cost,
to save this world that we call home,
so our children and theirs might not
look back, both in shame and anger,
at what we, in denial, have failed to do.


This is your world, Lord,
beautiful, bountiful,
yet fragile when abused.
Forgive our treatment
of what is your gift to us,
and instil within a desire
not only to care for it
as faithful stewards,
but preserve its beauty
and the life upon it
for future generations,
before it is too late.


And not forgetting the suffering of people...

We come to you, Lord,
for the hungry of this world,
that they might find food to eat.
We come to you, Lord,
for the thirsty of this world,
that they might find water to drink.
We come to you, Lord,
for the homeless of the world
that they might find somewhere to live.
We come to you, Living Water,
Bread of Life, for whom this earth
was but a temporary home,
that these, your precious people
might find within your mercy
and gracious provision
an answer to their needs.

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Copyright © John Birch, 2020 · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced anywhere else please include acknowledgement to the author/website  ·  Privacy Policy