Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Liturgy - God of Expression

God smiles, this much I know,
for he created laughter
so that we might join in the enjoyment
of his creative energy,
those wonderful colour schemes
of bird butterfly and flower,
the shapes and expressions
on so many creatures and insects.
These weren't created by a boring God,
they were drawn and planned
by a God with a sense of humour,
and that's a comforting thought!

Creator God, we praise you for the diversity of your world
and for the life you have breathed into all things
ALL: For the colours we see
The sounds we hear
ALL: The textures we feel
For the large
ALL: And the small
The fierce
ALL: And the timid
ALL: And prey
Creator God, we thank you for your creation, perfect in its design and purpose, perfect in its diversity and unity.

Psalm 19
How clearly the sky reveals God's glory!
All: How plainly it shows what he has done!

Each day announces it to the following day
All: Each night repeats it to the next

No speech or words are used, no sound is heard
All: Yet their message goes out to all the world and is heard to the ends of the earth

Creator God, your Spirit enables our own creative abilities as we allow Him to work through our words, our hands and our imaginations.
We thank you for the beauty of created things, for pots and bowls moulded
by the skilful manipulation of clay, for a portrait which captures the essence of a personality, for the written word which transports us to a faraway place
a poem that captures the raw emotion of a moment, a prayer that speaks to our heart and soul

You are present wherever mankind opens its eyes to see, can be heard whenever mankind opens its ears to hear, can be felt as hands are outstretched in faith.

All: As the wind blows across this land where it wills, so your loving Spirit blows in us and through us.
As the sun warms the cold earth after the chill of night, so your love warms our hearts with joy.
And your touch brings a peace into our restless lives

God of Love, God of Joy and God of Peace, may we know all three as we open our eyes to the wonders of this garden in which you have placed us and begin to recognise the image of your love within the selfless actions of others.

Creator God, we pray for your Kingdom, established here on earth wherever you reign in hearts open to the expression of your praise and glory.
All: Your Kingdom Come

But we also look forward an eternity in your Kingdom, your promise to all who truly believe
All: On earth as it is in heaven

We take a moment of quiet to reflect on the creativity of our God, expressed through the world and through the creativity within each one of us

And together we join in the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples.
All: Our Father……

God of expression, enable us your creation to enjoy along with you
the sheer exuberance of your creativity.
All: Amen

Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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