Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Liturgy - Creation

We're here again, Lord
Your family, in fellowship together
Friends, strangers, colleagues, neighbours
Short, tall, rich and poor
An assortment of your people with one purpose and one aim
To learn from you and to worship you
Be with us in our diversity
Join us in unity through your love
That we might leave this place
Knowing that we have met not only with each other
But also with you

All: In the midst of darkness,
this world, this country, this city, this street,
this place in which we meet,
it is your light by which we see
all others too dim to break through the smog
that conceals your glory to our neighbour
May your light so shine in our lives
that others might see you
and seeing you respond -
hold out their hand to grasp the flame
that cuts through the grime of lives spoiled and cloudy
to show the beauty of the person within.

Psalm 85
I am listening to what the Lord God is saying;
He promises peace to us, his own people,
if we do not go back to our foolish ways.
Surely he is ready to save those who honour him
and his saving presence will remain in our land

All: Love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will embrace. Man's loyalty will reach up from the earth, and God's righteousness will look down from heaven

God of city, town and village, we see you both in the spectacular
and in the ordinariness of life. In the beauty of a sunset behind a city skyline
and in the selfless giving of time to one in need; in the tranquillity of the dawn chorus and the roar of a jet engine.
Open our eyes
All: That we might see

Our skills, our knowledge, our wisdom
All have their origins with you.
Open our minds
All: That we might understand

Our creativity, our art, our poetry, our visual expressions are reflections
of your creativity, your Spirit working in us and around us.
Open our imaginations
All: That we might explore our own creativity

God of all, we were not all born to be rich or famous,
but we were all born with the potential to become the people
whom you would have us be.

All: Help us to see the potential within the lives of others
Especially those we would not naturally choose as friends or neighbours.
Help us to become the people you would have us be
Help us realise our true potential.

May the God of diversity draw us close to each other here today.
Old and young, weak and strong, wise and simple.
Together we are the body of Christ in this place.
Together we are strong, bound together by the bonds of your love.
Together we can explore together the wonder that is mankind
our own uniqueness, our own self-worth.
May the Holy Spirit grant you the wisdom
to see the potential in yourself and others
the knowledge to understand that all mankind
has its origins in the Godhead
and the understanding that His love extends to all that He has created

Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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