Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Contemporary blessings to share

Share a blessing and a little joy in this world!

It is a lovely thing to share a blessing with a friend who is maybe feeling a little stressed, anxious or under strain with the daily pressures of life.

Blessings also are a part of our times of worship together, reminding us that God is with us, through his Spirit, in all the seconds of our daily life, whether spiritually we walk through rain or sunshine!

Do share these blessings which I have written - and if in print remember to add the source (©John Birch,

God bless the steps you take
and the path you tread.
May they bring you safely
to where God needs you
at the start of this new day

May the guiding hand of God
lead you from the busyness
and stress of your daily life
to a quiet place, still waters
where you can rest awhile,
and in that space find peace.

The beauty of God
be reflected in your eyes,
the peace of God
reside within your heart,
and the love of God
be the focus of your life,
this day and all days.

May the blessing of God,
Creator and Sustainer,
surround you through this day.
May the love of Christ,
Redeemer and Saviour,
comfort you through this day.
May the Holy Spirit,
in the unity of the Three,
support you through this day.

Bless, Lord, the words I speak
that they might bring comfort.
Bless, Lord, these hands I use
that they might be of service.
Bless, Lord, this path I tread
that it might be safe to travel.
Bless, Lord, this life I live
that it might bring you glory.

May the love of Jesus Christ
bring us wholeness,
the grace of God the Father
grant us peace,
the breath of Holy Spirit
instil passion
and the unity between them
give us strength
for this and every day. Amen

May the Father’s hand
keep you from stumbling,
the footprints of Jesus
give you confidence to follow,
and the fire of the Spirit
keep you warm and safe
in your walk with God this day.

This day, and all days, having rested
safely within the Father’s warmth,
may you be refreshed by Spirit’s breath,
nourished by living water and bread,
and know the fellowship of God
beside you, wherever you may be led.

May the love of God
be the ocean that you sail on
and the grace of God
bring you calm in stormy days.
May the word of God
guide you to your destination
and the breath of God
speed you safely on your way.

The blessing of the God of life be with us
in our journeying
The blessing of the risen Christ be with us
in our following
The blessing of the Holy Spirit be with us
in our questioning
The blessing of the heavenly host be with us
in our worshipping
Bless, O God, each hour, each day,
that we shall walk with you.

May the cleansing water
of God’s love refresh you,
the gentle breeze
of God’s Spirit revive you,
and the radiance
of God’s Son surround you,
this day and all days. Amen

May the peace of God
calm your fears
through storms of night.
May the love of God
warm your heart
and bring you light.
May the word of God
give you strength
when the body’s weak.
May the grace of God
flow from you
to the world you meet.

God bless your day
and place a song
upon your heart
to lift your spirit,
bring you peace,
and give comfort
on the journey,
rough or smooth.

God bless each step
that you take today,
whether that road
is rough or smooth.
And in God’s strength
step out in faith,
step out in love,
step out in peace,
and bless this world
with God’s presence
in and through your life.

May you find peace
within the storm,
and the encircling
of his arms.
May you find rest
within the night,
and refreshment
in the dawn.
May you find joy
within your heart,
a song just waiting
to be sung.
May you find peace.

May you be a blessing
to every life you touch,
and the Spirit within,
that life-giving water,
be a gift of refreshment
in love shown and shared
with all who are thirsty
along the road you travel.

God grant you peace
in times of anxiety.
Let His Spirit flow
as a healing balm
to mind and soul
and ease the load
you strain to carry.
In times of anxiety
God grant you peace.

Every morning that you wake
May you feel the peace
That can calm the fiercest storm
May you feel the love
To forgive and then move on
May you feel the strength
To walk and not grow weary
May you feel the joy
That is at the heart of being
May you feel the presence of God.

Bless those who feed the poor
Bless those who heal the sick
Bless those who teach the young
Bless those who help the weak
Bless those who lend a hand
Bless those who share a tear
Bless those who walk beside
Bless those who give, not take

In your giving
and receiving,
your loving
and forgiving,
your going
and returning,
your working
and unwinding,
your growing
and maturing,
your living
and your dying,
God’s blessing
surround you.

God be in you… always
God be in your resting
God be in your waking
God be in your busyness
God be in your quietness
God be in your speaking
God be in your listening
God be in your fullness
God be in your emptiness
God be in your laughing
God be in your weeping
God be in you… always.

Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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