The aim of these studies is to look briefly at mission from its genesis within both Old and New Testaments to its impact on society today.
We follow its footsteps through many centuries as the Good News of the Gospel story spread spread through the world.
Along the way we consider the calling and careers of several individuals and missionary organizations to begin to understand the different ways in which mission can be undertaken.
We also look at how our own congregations can engage with mission, in the wider world and within the local community, and hopefully enjoy some fruitful discussion.
Times change. Whereas in the past the colonial powers sent
out missionaries to areas they considered to be the lost world, we now
find that those countries which were
evangelized in the days of David Livingstone feel a calling to reevangelize
a West they feel has lost its spiritual way.
We now live of course in a multicultural society. This brings
both benefits and tensions, but means that we can engage in cross-cultural
mission without leaving home.
Today there are different issues rising up the mission agenda: global
warming, the continuing spread of HIV/AIDS, rising nationalism, religious
freedom and ethnicity to name just a few!
All these have meant major changes and challenges for the theory and practice of mission, both for large organisations and for Christians at a local level.
Sample study - download as a pdf
Study Themes
Mission from the Old Testament to 21st Century
Mission Focus - on individual missionary organisations
Biography Corner - the lives of inspirational missionaries
The Bigger Picture - Doing mission in the real world
Do it! - Getting involved locally
Discussion starters
This material is presented for ease of duplication, and permission given for this for group use within a single fellowship.
Available only as an ebook at present (pdf format)
©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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