All the Lent Bible Studies offered here are designed to be easy to use, pretty much self-led, with plenty of notes, and enough discussion questions to keep you going for as long as your meeting takes!
You only need one copy of the ebook per group as permission is given to reproduce the studies for your Bible Study group, and distribute by email (or print for those not on email) and then, having read the notes, you can get to grips with discussion the issues and the Bible passages, and get the most out of them.
If you are using them in more than one group, it would be lovely if you could consider buying one per group, but that's just a suggestion!
New for 2025
There are, of course, many destinations and pilgrimage trails throughout the world, each with their own spiritual and historical significance.
And here we are, with pilgrimage adapting to the 21st century. So, here's a simple 'virtual pilgrimage' where do don't even have to get the walking boots out! Yet, the essence remains the same: a journey about faith, devotion, and spiritual growth as we follow Jesus' footprints via some famous pigrimage sites.
There's plenty of discussion questions as well as notes and space for thought and prayer. Individual studies will copy onto 2 double sides of A4 paper for ease of use or are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
The search for peace both for nations and individuals has seemingly occupied the minds and hearts of every generation of human beings, and sadly is still at the heart of politics and personal well-being.
These five studies look at how the Bible can help in our understanding of this theme.
There's plenty of discussion questions as well as notes and space for thought and prayer. Individual studies will copy onto 2 double sides of A4 paper for ease of use or are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
The word ‘Grace’ occurs somewhere between 130-170 times in the Bible, depending on the version you use. Defining the word depends very much on its context.
Christianity has extended the definition to mean ‘undeserved favour or merit’. Or look at it this way, ‘Grace is the opposite of karma, which is about getting what you deserve. Grace is getting what you don’t deserve and not getting what you do deserve.’
There's plenty of discussion questions as well as notes and space for thought and prayer. Individual studies will copy onto 2 double sides of A4 paper for ease of use or are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
The search for peace both for nations and individuals has seemingly occupied the minds and hearts of every generation of human beings, and sadly is still at the heart of politics and personal well-being.
These five studies look at how the Bible can help in our understanding of this theme.
There's plenty of discussion questions as well as notes and space for thought and prayer. Individual studies will copy onto 2 double sides of A4 paper for ease of use or are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
The Book of Acts gives us a fascinating insight into the life, fellowship, and worship of the early church, as it developed post-Pentecost. The six verses that form the backbone of this study are very familiar, often referred to as ‘Holy Habits’, and are always worth spending a little time with, as they speak to us about our own ‘habits’ and how they might change, or adapt, to the greater benefit of God’s call on us to share our faith and make disciples ‘of every nation’.
There's plenty of discussion questions as well as notes and space for thought and prayer. Individual studies will copy onto 2 double sides of A4 paper for ease of use or are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
The days leading up to and beyond the Cross are, in the gospel stories, busy ones for Jesus and his followers. There is a journey to make to Jerusalem for the Passover celebrations, one to a garden and betrayal, and later, following the arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus and the Resurrection, there's a more sombre walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus followed by a more joyful one back!
We're following all four gospel writers in this study.
There's plenty of discussion questions as well as notes and space for thought and prayer. Individual studies will copy onto 2 double sides of A4 paper for ease of use or are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
'Living in the Light' is a 5 part study that uses the Lectionary readings for Year A of the three year cycle, so can be integrated into the sermon planning for the season. It can of course be also used at at any time. The study looks at the long journey of a people coming to terms with their relationship with God, and the struggle of holding onto faith in difficult circumstances. Alongside that, in the New Testament readings we look at Jesus and his own struggles against temptation, but also the developing picture of who Jesus is and what that means for us all.
There's plenty of discussion questions as well as notes and space for thought and prayer. Individual studies will copy onto 2 double sides of A4 paper for ease of use or are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
These five studies cover the very busy last few days of Jesus’ life through the Cross to the Resurrection, mainly using the texts from Matthew, Mark and Luke. We look at the people, places and decisions made that culminated in the Easter that we celebrate each year. There are lots of discussion questions along the journey to enable users to think a little deeper about the story, and suggestions for prayer in the lead up to Easter.
This is a story about injustice, doubt, fear, pain and, ultimately, degrading death. It tells how God experienced these things in the same way as ordinary human beings. But the final theme is victory - the victory of Christ over death - and this is why the story cannot end at the Cross and be separated from the story of the Resurrection.
The studies can either be distributed by email around the group for those that have tablets to read them on, or printed off for the ones who prefer a hard copy!
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
Five Bible studies for Lent looking a little more closely at the stories of some of the characters in the gospels who encountered and followed Jesus, for some all the way to the cross.
We look at Nicodemus, perhaps a secret disciple who was there with fragrant herbs when Jesus was buried in the tomb; Mary and Martha who were friends, followers and offered hospitality to Jesus; the Samaritan woman at the well, to whom Jesus confessed that he was the Messiah; the disciple James, who saw the transfiguration and still didn't understand; and finally Mary Magdalene, one of the women standing nearby when Jesus was crucified.
These people have much to teach us about our own relationship with Jesus. There's plenty of background information in the study as well as discussion questions and space for thought and prayer. Individual studies will copy onto 2 double sides of A4 paper for ease of use, or are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
'A Green Hill' is a 5 part study that follows the verses of the famous hymn by Cecil Frances Alexander - but also introduces the group to the 'Tenebrae' (or 'Shadows'), a way of following Jesus' journey to The Cross.
'There is a green hill far away.
outside a city wall,
where our dear Lord was crucified
who died to save us all'
So we follow the five verses of the hymn and look at how they relate to the Bible story, and alongside this we look at a traditional way of following the dark journey of Jesus to the Cross from betrayal to burial and our response. There's plenty of discussion questions as well as notes and space for thought and prayer. Individual studies will copy onto 2 double sides of A4 paper for ease of use or are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$3.99))
People of the Light is a 5 part Bible study and is designed primarily as a Lent study (though can be used at any time!)
We begin at the very beginning and look at the theme of Light in Genesis, then how the Bible uses light to describe the character of God, contrasting this with darkness. Then there is light which directs our way, how we might become lights in the world, and finally how we can live in the light!
There's plenty of room for discussion, an opening prayer is provided, and the individual self-led studies are designed to be printed on 2 double sides of A4 for ease of use. You only need one copy for a group as permission is given for duplication, or they are easy to view on mobile devices
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
Walking Towards Glory is a series of 5 Lent Bible studies using the readings for year B of the Common Lectionary (though can be used at any time!).
We begin our journey as Jesus is baptized in the Jordan, and in following him learn that we have to take up our own cross. We watch as tables are overturned in the Temple, discover something of the length and breadth of God's love and then find ourselves in Jerusalem as Jesus agonizes over the fate that now awaits him.
The individual studies are designed to be printed on 2 double sides of A4 for ease of use, and you only need one copy for a group as permission is given for duplication or they are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
A Series of 5 Bible studies based on the Beatitudes from Matthew's account of the Sermon on the Mount (ideal for Lent but can be used any time of the year!)
The passage from Matthew that we’re looking at in this study forms part of a bigger compilation of Jesus’ words that Matthew presents to his readers in chapters 5-7, and which we know as ‘the Sermon on the Mount’.
The first thing to note here is that Jesus is not giving advice to non-believers. This is not Jesus the evangelist, but Jesus showing believers that there is a new and radical way of living now that they are experiencing God’s kingdom being established on earth.
The individual studies are designed to be printed on 2 double sides of A4 for ease of use, and you only need one copy for a group as permission is given for duplication or they are easy to view on mobile devices.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
A Series of 5 Bible studies based upon the all trime favourite hymn 'How Great Thou Art' (Ideal for Lent but can be used at any time of the year)
This hymn has been recorded over 1700 times, including ones by Elvis Presley, Tenessee Ernie Ford, Roy Rogers and George Beverly Shea.
The version we know was written by Stuart K. Hine based upon a poem by the Swedish pastor Carl Gustav Boberg, who was inspired by a sudden violent storm whilst out walking one day... and the rest is (interesting) history!
The studies are designed to be printed on 2 sides of A4 for ease of use or they are easy to view on mobile devices.
O LORD my God! When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works Thy hand hath made;
I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder,
Thy pow’r throughout the universe displayed:
How Great Thou Art by Stuart K Hine
Copyright © 1953 The Stuart Hine Trust /Kingsway Communications Ltd Used by permission.
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
series of 5 Bible Studies
based upon the Isaac Watt's hymn
'When I survey the wondrous Cross'
(Can be used at any time of the year)
This wonderful hymn by Isaac Watts encompasses the whole Lent season as it asks us to look, or survey the wonder of the cross - but not only the wonder, he vividly paints the colour of Christ's agony and death on the cross.
This was one of the first English-language hymns to use the word ‘I’ and have at its core personal religious experience. The hymn is also an example of how Isaac Watts, who has been called the father of English hymnody, enlarged the boundaries of English hymn writing beyond the metrical psalms to include freer verse that readily lent itself to new musical settings.
introduction to the man and his music
(Background material for course leader)
Prayers at the start of a meeting
1 - 5 each based upon one verse of the hymn
(A4 format, will copy onto two double sided sheets
and includes a series of questions for discussion)
Prayers at the end of a meeting
References and further reading
Sample study - download as a pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
This is a set of 5 Bible Studies which take as their text the post resurrection appearances of Jesus as related by Luke in his Gospel. We focus on the disciples and their journey of faith from confusion to conviction, and walk with them along the Emmaus Rd as they encounter the risen Lord.
We also look at some other famous journeys, including those of Nelson Mandela, John Wesley, John Newton and Captain Scott of Antarctic fame.
The common theme of 'Journey' takes us through all 5 studies.
Along with the studies, which photocopy onto 2 sides of A4 for ease of use and economy, there are leaders notes and suggested prayers for opening each Bible Study.
Sample study - download as pdf
All Lent studies are £3.49 (or US$4.55)
©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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