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Prayers for the Lectionary Year C

Praying through the Lectionary Year  C - Sixth Sunday in Lent

The Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) offers a three-year cycle with four readings for every Sunday in the Church Year.

These readings are:
A Lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures (or Acts during the Season of Easter)
A Psalm
A Lesson from the Epistles or Acts
A Lesson from the Gospels

The following prayers follow a traditional form using the pattern of ACT (Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving).

There is also an opening prayer which can be used at the beginning of a service.

Sixth Sunday in Lent

Liturgy of the Palms - Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-16
Liturgy of the Passion - Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 22:14-23:56; Luke 23:1-49


We meet together in the presence of a God whose love is freedom, whose touch is healing, whose voice is calm. We meet not in our own strength but in the knowledge that God's Spirit abides within us, in our worship today and in our daily lives when we depart from this place. The blessing receive is shared, in the hope that others might be drawn to the God we serve. Amen


Hosanna in the highest!
The cry goes up from earth to sky,
and angelic voices carry the song.
A heavenly chorus.
A paean of praise,
to the One who comes
in the name of our Lord.

Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed are you, Son of God,
riding triumphantly to the Cross.
A sacrifice.
A gift of life
to the one who kneels
at the feet of our Lord.

Hosanna in the highest!


When pride
and selfishness
obscure my vision,
and voices
of this world
confuse my mission,
let it be your will
not mine, be done.

When faith
and thankfulness
lack direction,
and every day
is opposition,
let it be your will
not mine, be done.

Be the centre,
the focus
of all I am.
Be the One
I depend upon. Amen


To those who hunger
You are the bread of life
To those who thirst
You are a refreshing stream
To those who mourn
You are a hand to hold
To those in need
You are an untiring friend
To those who question
You are the one they seek
To those who are blind
You are their guiding feet
To those who ask
You are the Son of God
To those who kneel
You are the forgiving King

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