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Prayers for the Lectionary Year C

Praying through the Lectionary Year - Year C - Advent 1

The Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) offers a three-year cycle with four readings for every Sunday in the Church Year.

These readings are:
A Lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures (or Acts during the Season of Easter)
A Psalm
A Lesson from the Epistles or Acts
A Lesson from the Gospels

The following prayers follow a traditional form using the pattern of ACT (Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving).

There is also an opening prayer which can be used at the beginning of a service.

(Nov 27th - Dec 3rd)

Readings: Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 1:68-79, 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13, Luke 21:25-36


This is Advent, season of promise. In our worship we prepare for the birth of a baby in a dusty stable, and remind ourselves that this child will become the Saviour of the World, who will return again in power and glory to bring all of his children together in songs of everlasting praise.

The promise of the baby is also the promise of eternal life to all who believe.

God of hope and promise, be with us throughout this Advent season, and draw us ever closer as we journey together toward the stable and the birth of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen


God of majesty and promise,
who spoke and this world was,
who breathed and this world lived,
who counts the hairs upon our head,
sees our thoughts and reads our hearts,
loves us more than we deserve,
how can we not bring to you
this offering of praise?
For in the child at Bethlehem
lies the promise of intimacy
with a Saviour who would die even for me,
and the promise of an eternity
in which to praise you more each day.
God of majesty and promise,
we praise your holy name!


To you O Lord we bring our lives,
troubled, broken or at ease,
a sacrificial offering
for you to use.
Take away our selfishness
and teach us to love as you loved.
Take away our sense of pride
and show us the meaning of humility.
Take away our blindness
and show us the world through your eyes.
Take away our greed
and teach us how to give as you gave.
Show us your ways,
teach us your paths,
that we might walk with you more closely,
our hand in your hand,
our feet in your footsteps
from the baby in a stable
to eternity.


For your word which endures
we give you thanks.
For your promises to which we hold
we give you thanks.
For such intimacy with you
we give you thanks.
For the love which from our birth
over and around us lies,
we give you thanks.
For those gathered here today
we give you thanks.
For family, friend and stranger
we give you thanks.
For those who minister your grace
we give you thanks.
For the hope that lives each Advent
of a love that has no end,
we give you thanks, Amen

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