Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Prayers for the Lectionary Year C

Praying through the Lectionary Year  C -  31st in Ordinary

The Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) offers a three-year cycle with four readings for every Sunday in the Church Year.

These readings are:
A Lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures (or Acts during the Season of Easter)
A Psalm
A Lesson from the Epistles or Acts
A Lesson from the Gospels

The following prayers follow a traditional form using the pattern of ACT (Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving).

There is also an opening prayer which can be used at the beginning of a service.

Proper 26 (31st Sunday in Ordinary Time)

(or use readings for All Saints Day)
Sunday between October 30 and November 5 inclusive

Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 - 2; Psalm 119:137-144; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12; Luke 19:1-10


We acknowledge your presence,
Father, Son and Spirit, Three.
Bless us in our being together,
in our speaking and listening,
our sharing and worship,
our giving and receiving,
and as we leave this place
be our strength and hope
for this and every day.


Saviour God,
you came into this world
not as leader of men,
but as servant and friend.
You came into this world
not to seek out the good,
but to harvest the lost.
You came into this world
as healer of bodies,
and saviour of souls.
You came into this world
as prince of peace,
and lover of all.


When we call out your name
in times of trouble,
faced with injustice
or when disaster strikes,
and fail to hear your voice
or see the answer we desire,
forgive our impatience.
When we pray for healing
for the suffering,
freedom from fear
or relief from Satan's grasp,
and grow weary of the task
of continuing with our prayer,
forgive our lack of faith.
Your ways are not ours,
but in all things you are God,
and your love and justice
will always prevail,
in your time and in your way.


For all your saints
who have gone before,
and by their example
have brought us to your throne,
we offer our grateful thanks.
For all who through
dark days and nights,
held on to their faith
facing the fiercest foe,
we offer our grateful thanks.
For all your saints
gathered here today,
who by their service
bring love into this world,
we offer our grateful thanks,
Alpha and Omega,
God of today and all days,

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