Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Prayers for the Lectionary Year C

Praying through the Lectionary Year  C -  30th in Ordinary

The Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) offers a three-year cycle with four readings for every Sunday in the Church Year.

These readings are:
A Lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures (or Acts during the Season of Easter)
A Psalm
A Lesson from the Epistles or Acts
A Lesson from the Gospels

The following prayers follow a traditional form using the pattern of ACT (Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving).

There is also an opening prayer which can be used at the beginning of a service.

Proper25 (30th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Sunday between October 23 and October 29 inclusive

Joel 2:23-32; Psalm 65; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14


Father, Son, Spirit, Three
bless our singing,
bless our praying,
bless our meeting,
bless the time that we are sharing,
be our unity.


To you, O Lord, we bring our praise,
in Springtime and in Autumn rains,
for seed sown, harvest gathered,
the abundant blessings of your world.
To you, O Lord, we bring our praise,
For the beauty that surrounds us,
sunlit skies, mountain stream,
the mystery of this universe.
To you, O Lord, we bring our praise,
for the understanding of your grace,
words preached, lives changed,
the eternal challenge of your Word.


Gracious God, forgive us
for the wrong we have done
and the wrong we might have done
had we not drawn away or held our tongue.
Forgive the intention as well as the sin.
We acknowledge our weakness,
and look to your mercy and grace.
Encircle us with your love, we pray,
walk beside us,
support us on our journeying
so that we shall not fall.


You are our hope
when all else fails,
You are the rock,
solid and firm,
upon which we can depend.
You are the source
of all that we know,
the Word of life,
grace and truth,
which we will always defend.
You are our God
and we shall follow
the path you show,
prepared to go
wherever you may send.
To you be the glory, Amen!

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