As these prayers were being written, the world was in the process of working out how to live with Covid, and get on with something resembling normaility!
They are the prayers of everyday life, the journey of faith with its ups and downs, thinking about ourselves, those we love, the people around us, and the bigger picture of praying for our neighbours, whoever they might be, and the world in which we live (one sadly veering toward conflict rather than peace).
So as always there's a mix of prayers, including some blessings to share.
Themes covered with these prayers include: |
The Daily Journey |
GivingThanks and Praise |
Those Around Us |
Aspects of Faith |
The Act of Praying |
The Givers |
Life's Struggles |
Forgiveness and Repentance |
The World We Live In |
Being Still |
Blessings |
The vast majority of these prayers do not appear elsewhere on the pages of this website.
This road we travel, Lord,
may not always be smooth;
obstacles along the way
often slow our progress,
stones cause us to stumble,
things we see distract us
and we miss a turn or two.
But there are fellow travellers
who have studied the route
and know the pitfalls well,
familiar with the guide book
that we follow, and its author,
and for both we are so thankful.
Loving God, in you I find
the strength to persevere
when daily life’s a struggle.
In you I find the wisdom
I require when engaged
in difficult conversations.
In you I find the peace
to calm my soul when
life in general is so busy.
In you, and you alone
I find the source of life
love and hope, and offer
in return my life, my all.
Speak Lord, into the heart
of government, and those
whose decisions today will
affect the lives of millions.
May their incentive be
not pleasing the powerful,
the political influencers,
loudest voices and donors,
but rather to do your will;
seek justice, help the poor,
work for the common good
of all people, not just a few.
It’s a difficult ask, we know,
but in you, Lord, is our hope.
Available in paperback edition from Amazon at £5.99 or $ equivalent
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©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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