The Advent Studies available are on a variety of themes, but all have plenty of material to keep a group occupied, with lots of discussion questions. Several follow the Lectionary readings
If using over several groups it would be lovely if you could consider buying more than a single study, but that's your decision!
They are PDF files which most PCs and devices can easily open, and are written to be easily copied and distributed to group members - and economical to purchase at £2.99 ($3.99 US)!
The Advent season, marking the beginning of the liturgical year in many Christian traditions, is a time of anticipation, preparation, and hope. It spans the four Sundays leading up to Christmas and is deeply significant for millions worldwide. The term “Advent” comes from the Latin word “adventus,” meaning “coming” or “arrival,” symbolizing the anticipation of Jesus Christ’s birth.
The themes are anticipation, partnership, participation, and celebration.
In this study we will be using the readings for Year C in the liturgical calendar, but that does not prevent it being used at any time, as the focus remains on the coming of the Messiah!
As with all these studies there is plenty of opportunity for engaging with the Bible, with starter discussion, pictures and questions. The studies are designed to be printed on 4 sides of A4 paper, and you only need one copy of the study per group.
Throughout Advent the traditional Lectionary readings take us on a journey from the Old Testament to the New, revealing passages from prophets of old who talk of a future king coming from the line of David who will be anointed to be king of God’s kingdom, and rule the nation during a Messianic Age.
These studies look at several ways in which the Bible reveals to us the person of Jesus and his Messianic role, both through prophesy and the personal testimony of those who walked with him, or like Paul, had their lives turned around by a spiritual encounter with Jesus.
As with all these studies there is plenty of opportunity for engaging with the Bible, with starter discussion, pictures and questions. The studies are designed to be printed on 4 sides of A4 paper, and you only need one copy of the study per group.
Inspired by the words of the popular Advent hymn, 'Hark the Glad Sound, the Saviour Comes' and exploring themes for Advent that reflect the words of each of the hymn's four verses.
It's a journey through Scripture that spans the centuries and many Old Testament prophesies, and looks at aspects of the birth and life of Jesus reflected in the words of this hymn, and how they speak into our faith journeys today.
As with all these studies there is plenty of opportunity for engaging with the Bible, with starter discussion, pictures and questions. The studies are designed to be printed on 4 sides of A4 paper, and you only need one copy of the study per group.
Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes,
the Saviour promised long;
let every heart prepare a throne
and every voice a song.
Inspired by the words of the popular Wesley Advent hymn, 'Come thou long-expected Jesus' and the lectionary readings for Year C, and exploring the themes of Advent.
It's a journey through Scripture that spans the centuries and many a prophesy that would bring hope to a people in distress, and looks forward to a time yet to come, when Christ will return.
Come, thou long expected Jesus,
born to set thy people free;
from our fears and sins release us,
let us find our rest in thee.
Our definition of ‘hope’ will depend on our situation, and whether we are in a stable place emotionally or facing difficulties and anguish. At its simplest, hope can be the wish for something we desire to happen, and as diverse as hoping to see a long-lost friend later in the year, hoping the next bus will arrive on time, a dear friend who is ill will recover, the country votes for our choice of government, or that the police catch the thief who recently broke into our car.
It can relate to the small world we inhabit as individuals or reach out to touch all people. For those of us who call ourselves Christians, hope takes on a different dimension. It is still about our day-to-day existence and seeing hope within it, but it is also about a future hope for ‘salvation’, ‘resurrection’, ‘eternal life’ and how these strands intertwine and influence our relationship with God and the world.
There are so many popular carols and songs of Advent that could have been chosen for this study. By way of explanation I’d say journey with me through the words of these songs and those of Scripture as we take a broad look at the season of Advent, when we think about God’s relationship with us and celebrate the birth of our Saviour.
On the way we’ll look at a God’s continuing relationship with humankind from the very beginning, angels and mothers, the reactions of those who first saw and recognised Jesus for who he was, and the big picture behind those wonderful words of Charles Wesley, ‘Our God contracted to a span, incomprehensibly made Man.’
As with all these studies there is plenty of opportunity for engaging with the Bible, with starter discussion, pictures and questions. The studies are designed to be printed on 4 sides of A4 paper, and you only need one copy of the study per group.
This Bible study uses the verses of that popular Christmas carol, 'Angels, from the realms of glory' and its invitation to 'Come and worship Christ the new-born king' to explore such themes as our understanding of angels, the role of the shepherd in the church, wisdom and what it means to be a saint.
We can get over-familiar with our favourite hymns, carols and worship songs, to the point here we forget the real meaning of the words we are singing. So, it’s good to take time and look in a little more depth at the words we sing, and the picture they paint, relate them to Scripture and see where they might take us!
As with all these studies there is plenty of opportunity for engaging with the Bible, with starter discussion, pictures and questions. The studies are designed to be printed on 4 sides of A4 paper, and you only need one copy of the study per group.
Songs are very much at the centre of our celebrations of Advent and Christmas, and have been so for many since childhood.
Luke’s Gospel has a series of songs as part of his introduction to the story of Jesus, and these have been handed down to us within our Bibles, and as part of the liturgical life of the Church. Many will recite (if not sing) the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (maybe also the Benedictus) as part of their regular worship, so the words are familiar. But maybe they haven’t been looked at as often in their actual context, leading up to and just beyond the birth of Jesus.
The studies all follow an identical pattern, with a bit of a musical theme:-
Intro (opening discussion); Accompaniment (a little background to the passage); Verses (a commentary on the passage); Chorus (ten questions for group discussion); Outro (something to take away and think about)
As always, permission is given to duplicate and distribute the study around the members of a small group meeting.
Follows the lectionary readings for Year A, but can be used at any time.
This is very much seeing the Advent story through the eyes of Matthew, as in his Gospel message he covers the big themes of Jesus' Second Coming, John the Baptist, examines who Jesus is, and gives us a glimpse into Joseph's story.
Study titles are 'As it was in the days of Noah', 'John the Baptizer', 'Are you the One?' and 'Joseph's Story'
As with all these studies there is plenty of opportunity for engaging with the Word, with starter discussion and questions. Also included are some suggestions for prayer. The studies are designed to be printed on 4 sides of A4 paper, and you only need one copy of the study per group.
Follows the lectionary readings for Year C, but can be used at any time.
This is very much seeing the Advent story through the eyes of Luke, as in his Gospel message he covers the big themes of Jesus' Second Coming, God's judgement, repentance, the kingdom life and faith.
Study titles are 'A World in Turmoil', Preparing the Road', 'The Life Required' and 'God's Servants'
Like all these studies there is plenty of opportunity for engaging with the Word, with starter discussion and questions. Also included are prayers for opening/closing a meeting. The studies are designed to be printed on 3 sides of A4 paper, and you only need one copy per group.
Follows the lectionary readings for Year B, but can be used at any time
There is plenty of room for group members to express their faith and opinions through the questions posed by the text and commentary, alongside background information on the context.
The four studies are entitled 'A Hope', 'A Message', 'A Witness', and 'A Servant', and cover the traditional subjects of the Second Coming, the message of the prophets, John the Baptist and Mary the mother of Jesus.
The study can be printed off as a whole for each group member, or individually as they format neatly on 3 sides of A4 paper, and you only need one copy per group..
this series of four studies, I hope that the group (or individual) will be
able to connect with the big picture of God’s Salvation, revealed through
the Old as well as the New Testament.
Often, our experience of the prophetic is limited to those readings included within the preaching season of Advent and we only get a glimpse of part of the masterpiece. By looking at how the Jews and scholars examined the words of the prophets, looking for signs of a promised Messiah, we can hopefully more easily connect with the roots of our faith.
There's an opening discussion question to get the chat going, a short Bible study, some discussion questions to get folk talking around the issues raised each week, and prayers to open and close the meeting.
Themes are: 1) The Servant, 2) The Place, 3) The Messenger, 4) The Word
The Advent study is in A4 format, and each week's study can be printed on 2 double sided sheets. You only need one copy per group.
Read the News is a slightly different Advent Bible Study presented in
a newspaper front page format.
Follow the Christmas story through short story soundbites and snippits of background information which helps to bring the context of the story to life as we look at life in the times of Jesus' birth.
There's an opening discussion question to get the chat going, a short Bible study and some more searching questions to get folk talking around the issues raised each week.
The Advent study is in A4 format, and each week's study can be printed on 2 double sided sheets.
Themes include:
1) The nation, prophets and a spiritual mix
2) The census, Bethlehem and looking to the stars
3) Life in the Empire, Nazareth, the older parent and preparing the way
4) Shepherds and angels, a personal journey and waiting for Messiah
Permission is given for a church to photocopy these resources, so only 1 copy is needed per group!
What a Gift! is an Advent Study resource which looks at the Gifts of
the Magi as recorded in Matthew's Gospel, and asks the reader 'What do
I bring?'.
Four studies look at the themes of Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh and Journeying,
and their spiritual significance for the Christ child, as within them
we begin to hear a whisper of the Easter to come - Gold for a King, frankincense
for a High Priest and myrrh for sorrow.
There are leader's notes and background material and lots of questions
to stimulate discussion. Also included are prayers to open and close a
Themes, which are expanded within each study, are:
1) Gold
2) Frankincense,
3) Myrrh,
4) Following the star
The Advent study is in A4 format, and each week's study can be printed on 2 double sided sheets, allowing space for note taking. Permission is given for a church to photocopy these resources, so only 1 copy is needed per group!
Town, Big Story is an Advent Bible Study resource based on the popular
Christmas Carol 'O Little Town of Bethlehem' written in 1868 by Phillips
Brooks (1835-1893), one of the most famous preachers of his time, following
a visit to Bethlehem which seems to have affected him deeply.
Four studies look at the significance of place in Jesus' birth, the person
of Mary, Gifts and Grace, Worship & Mission.
Theme titles for the four weeks:
1) O Little Town of Bethlehem;
2) For Christ is Born of Mary
3) How Silently, How Silently;
4) O Holy Child of Bethlehem
With leader's notes, background information, study material, questions
for discussion (including leader's prompts) and prayers to open and close
the meeting, there's plenty to keep things going
through the meeting!
The Advent study is in A4 format, and each week's study can be printed
on 2 double sided sheets, allowing space for note taking.
Permission is given for a church to photocopy these resources, so only
1 copy is needed per group!
©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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